
Upgraded Plastic Injection
   Moulding Machine Series

High efficiency、High-speed / pressure
High Precision、Low power
Clamping force 300-2000t
High Precision, Prolong Machinery Life
Box-shaped mould platens, CAE finite element
analysed, together with chrome-plated high
tensile tie-bars allow high rigid clamping.
Large Mould Accomodation
Increased opening stroke and large mould
accommodation allow for variety of mould
to be assembled on to.
High Precision, Prolong Machinery Life
High strength alloy steel bushins added to
each toggle ensure precise movement,
reduce future maintenance cost and prolong
machinery life.
High Plasticizing Quality and Efficiency
Digital screw back-pressure control enhances
plasticizing quality and fit to mould most
engineering resins.
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