
Honorary Qualification
Yan Hing encourages employees to actively participate in public fund raising events and to be involved in social activities. As a socially responsible corporate, Yan Hing focuses not only on business development but also society development. Yan Hing is very active in many Hong Kong industrial associations. Mr Leung Yin, founder of Yan Hing Group, is the Honorable President of the Hong Kong Plastic Machinery Assocation. Mr Leung Wai Cheung, Director of Yan Hing Group, is the Senior Vice-President of the Hong Kong Foundry Association.
栾川县| 信阳市| 洪江市| 望奎县| 汶川县| 昆明市| 保靖县| 延川县| 奉新县| 阳谷县| 五河县| 武鸣县| 尚志市| 综艺| 日土县| 内乡县| 罗定市| 清苑县| 军事| 静宁县| 孝感市| 河曲县| 正安县| 南昌县| 日土县| 金寨县| 襄城县| 通海县| 边坝县| 郁南县| 双辽市| 高州市| 绥德县| 响水县| 固镇县| 铁岭县| 宝兴县| 曲水县| 越西县| 临西县| 融水|