
Our Culture
Career Path
Yan Hing offers a clear career path for employees. We regularly hire consultants to provide trainings on technical skills and management.

Education and Travel
A relaxing trip is organized for staffs and their family members to close contact with nature every year. The trip aims to introduce staffs the importance of environmental protection.

Staffs Facilities 
Yan Hing has a variety of facilities for staffs to use in their free time, such as basketball court, table tennis room, badminton court, pool tables, library, movie theatre and KTV room.

6S workshop and large green park.
高唐县| 绥江县| 邳州市| 隆尧县| 会昌县| 波密县| 靖西县| 福建省| 天峨县| 富顺县| 花莲县| 奉节县| 科技| 曲阳县| 阜新| 沂源县| 桂东县| 克山县| 沂水县| 新绛县| 临城县| 灵璧县| 南通市| 方山县| 乐平市| 崇州市| 泰来县| 图木舒克市| 从化市| 陇川县| 翁牛特旗| 定结县| 阳东县| 安庆市| 兴山县| 新蔡县| 泌阳县| 太湖县| 博白县| 皮山县| 嘉祥县|